Welcome to Day 3 of Monaco Nail Academy’s Client Magnet!
Today, we’re focusing on how to get your brand noticed by your ideal clients. It’s not just about knowing who they are, but how to reach them in a way that feels natural and genuine. We’ll be exploring creative strategies to connect with your dream clients and make sure they remember you!
Ready to take things to the next level? Don’t forget to hop into our Magnet Group Chat where you can brainstorm ideas, get support from our Monaco Mentors, and collaborate with others.
Let’s jump in!
More Resources –
The Podcast Episode ‘Penny is baaack! And this episode is FIRE!!’ is referenced in this video.
Find it on YouTube here and on Spotify here.
Already have Salon Success? This lesson covers the same topic.
PS Check out our freebie ‘25 Things to Do on Social Media This Month‘
Task for Today
From yesterday’s timetable, where are three locations that your ideal client AND people similar to her regularly visit?
In each of these locations—
- How could you get your work in front of your ideal client? At the pole studio, this could be offering the studio a regular voucher for employee of the month, sponsoring a competition, or offering a one-off freebie to the receptionist—having someone visible to the majority of members, wearing your work.
- How could you get to have a one-on-one or small group conversation with your avatar? Again at the pole studio, you could collaborate on a wine and cheese open night, or offer a members-only evening workshop teaching home care for the services you offer and demonstrating that service.
- How can you make sure your avatar doesn’t forget you? You can have your business cards and price lists at reception, a poster in the changing rooms, or sponsored t-shirts.
Now with everything that you’ve brainstormed, revisit it and ask –
- How you can get MORE people to see it
- Make it MORE personal to your avatar
- Make it take LESS of your time, and make it cost less to you.
Once you’ve got a few solid ideas, share them in our group chat and let’s workshop them together. This is a ‘Competition-Free Zone’, so feel free to collaborate, ask for feedback, and support each other.
Audio Transcript
Welcome back to Day 3 of Monaco Nail Academy’s 5-Day Client Magnet! Yesterday, we focused on mapping out where your dream client spends her time. Today, we’re taking it a step further by exploring how to get your brand in front of her using high-value, low-volume strategies. If you haven’t already listened to our “Low Volume, High Value” podcast episode (it’s called “Penny is baaack! And this episode is FIRE!!”), it’s a must-listen for today’s discussion. Let’s break it down step by step.
By now, you’ve crafted a detailed avatar of your ideal client and developed a sense of where she or he lives their life—both online and offline. But knowing where she is isn’t enough. In fact, it’s quite stalkery, and last I heard, stalking wasn’t a trending marketing technique.
What we need to do now is the other half of the equation—getting them to know about you. Today’s focus is all about creating those meaningful connections that naturally draw her to you, making your brand irresistible.
When we say low volume, high value, what we mean is talking to fewer people via our marketing but making sure those few people we do talk to are high value, aka very similar to our avatars, and that our interactions are also high value—personal, relatable, and memorable.
The opposite would be low value, high volume—talking to lots and lots of people, but most of them being nothing like your avatar. This type of marketing involves a lot of effort, time, and money with minimal returns.
Consider a flyer drop. It seems straightforward: design the flyer, print it, pay for it, and distribute it to thousands of letterboxes. But it’s a huge time and financial investment, and who’s seeing it? Your avatar, maybe, but also all genders, ages, and interests—so 80-year-old Roger is probably throwing it straight in the bin, and you took time and effort for that to happen.
Another example is billboard advertising. Sure, your ad might be seen by hundreds of thousands of drivers, but if most of those drivers aren’t your target audience, again, you’re paying for high volume but getting low value in return. It’s exposure without the guaranteed conversion.
So forget about that. What else shouldn’t we do?
- Low volume, low value—this is pretty straightforward—everything sucks. Think hosting a beautiful manicure event at a heavy machinery drivers convention, or sponsoring a voucher for player of the day for the men’s senior rugby team. It’s the least effective form of marketing because the results don’t justify the effort.
- We can also forget high volume, high value. With this, you’re getting results, but it’s taking you a lot of time and effort to get those. It’s just inefficient when there’s a fourth, final, and WAY BETTER option—
- High value, low volume. This is where we want to be. It’s all about getting the most significant impact with the least amount of effort. For example, properly executed Facebook Ads are a prime example. You can create an ad from your couch and pay as little as 1 or 2 cents per view. That’s incredibly efficient and cost-effective marketing.
Another example is collaborating with influencers. If you trade a manicure for a post from a local influencer with a loyal following, you’re getting high visibility for a minimal investment of your time. Half an hour of your time can translate into thousands of views—this is the epitome of high value, low volume marketing.
We workshopped heaps of ideas in the podcast episode I mentioned, so if you have the time, it’s well worth a listen.
In the meantime, you can try this—
From yesterday’s timetable, where are three locations that your ideal client AND people similar to her regularly visit?
Let’s use Natasha’s pole studio as an example.
In each of these locations—
How could you get your work in front of your ideal client? At the pole studio, this could be offering the studio a regular voucher for employee of the month, sponsoring a competition, or offering a one-off freebie to the receptionist—having someone visible to the majority of members, wearing your work.
How could you get to have a one-on-one or small group conversation with your avatar? Again at the pole studio, you could collaborate on a wine and cheese open night, or offer a members-only evening workshop teaching home care for the services you offer and demonstrating that service.
How can you make sure your avatar doesn’t forget you? You can have your business cards and price lists at reception, a poster in the changing rooms, or sponsored t-shirts.
When Natasha sees a local band, you could collaborate with band members for glow-in-the-dark nail art, offer to work the door for them for free and do so with your nails done and cards at hand, or you could swap tickets for manicures. You could sponsor prizes for album launches, add a voucher in every album sleeve, or do a live stream with a band member painting their logo on their own nails.
Now with everything that you’ve brainstormed, revisit it and ask how you can get more people to see it, make it more personal to your avatar, make it take less of your time, and make it cost less to you.
Once you’ve got a few solid ideas, share them in our group chat and let’s workshop them together. This is a ‘Competition-Free Zone’, so feel free to collaborate, ask for feedback, and support each other.
We’ll be encouraging you to also make the call, email the studio, DM the band—creating an avatar and imagining their timetable was easy enough, but your magnet won’t work if you don’t put it into action. Send the message, and if you don’t hear back—well, that’s why we had more options on the list. Go again until you get the reply.
Remember too that these strategies are just a glimpse of what you can achieve with the right guidance, and you’ll get more of THAT in our upcoming 8-week Salon Success Accelerator. I’ll chat more about that on Friday.
As we wrap up today, remember, you’re not just selling a service—you’re offering a relationship, and you should be working to attract people worthy of those relationships. You’ll be spending an hour with her every few weeks, so it’s crucial that your marketing is genuine and personal.
Alrighty, so we know who we want, how to find them, and now they can find us. Tomorrow, we’ll be focusing on how to entice these clients to take the plunge and book with you. And, of course, without discounting.