In February 2023, The Project aired this episode, discussing the dangers of Gel Manicures. The nail-specific section begins at 15:40.
Prior to this segment airing, I sent several emails back and forward with the producer of this segment, Julie Hill. None of the resources I gave her were mentioned or referenced in the segment.
The segment referenced a study that explored the impact of CFL UV on animals. CFL was never mentioned in the segment, just Gel Manicures in general. But I don’t know a single nail tech who uses CFL – we all use LED, which is specified in the study The Project was reporting on as being safer.
Julie even stated in her emails with me “after reading research that contradicts the study (including Doug Schoon’s) I wanted to ask nail technicians here in NZ what their take on it is” – but never once mentioned any research other than the CFL study on the show, despite me providing her with other studies.
Additionally, the segment stated that “None of the local Nail technicians we spoke to wanted to go on the record”. This is blatantly not true as you will see in my emails with Julie that I told her to quote me.
Finally, after the pre-recorded segment, the hosts discussed the use of sunscreen without once mentioning broad spectrum, which you will see from the information I shared, would do absolutely nothing.
View my email thread with the producer here.
In my emails, I referenced information that she could quote, and linked information I did not want her to quote. I have left these links live so that EVERYONE can be correctly educated.
Here are the links I sent Julie Hill –
It is nothing but scaremongering. The angry side of me wants to ask them to comment on how much UV is emitted from LED screens like the TV’s , Phones, Tablets etc we watch their show on 🤬