Please select how you would like to study.
You can choose to enrol in the entire Foundation Certificate in Nail Technology all at once, to enrol in one Module at a time and work more slowly towards your Foundation Certificate, or to pick and choose only the Modules you are interested in.
As long as you eventually complete all Modules, you will meet the attendance requirements for the Foundation Certificate in Nail Technology
Note that –
> Manicures and Pedicures or an approved equivalent must be completed before Dipping Systems.
> Mastering Acrylic or an approved equivalent must be completed before Mastering Hard Gel, or Mastering PolyGel.
> If you haven’t done and do not want to do Mastering Acrylic or an equivalent, tick ‘Skip Acrylic’ under ‘Add Ons’ on the Hard Gel or PolyGel enrolment pages. You will receive 9 additional 3-Hour Lessons for $810 covering the topics you would otherwise already know from your Acrylic Training, such as prep, tips, forms, filing, structure and finishing.
Other than these conditions, the order is up to you.
Each individual module must be completed within 12 months of enrolling but there is no time limit for completing the full Foundation Certificate in its entirety.