Welcome to Day 4 of Monaco Nail Academy’s Client Magnet!
Today, it’s all about turning interest into action! We’ve laid the groundwork by identifying and connecting with your ideal clients, and now we’re sealing the deal – securing those bookings without undermining your brand’s value. No discounting here; we’re focused on creating irresistible, value-added offers that have your clients coming back for more.
Join us in the Magnet Group Chat to share your ideas, collaborate, and refine your strategies AND I’ll see you tomorrow for our final day, where we’ll talk all-season success with strategies for keeping clients during tougher periods.
But first – let’s lock in those appointments and start building lasting relationships!
More Resources –
The Podcast Episode ‘Rethinking Loyalty: How to Keep Clients Without Losing Money’ is the perfect add-on to today’s video.
Find it on YouTube here and on Spotify here.
Already have Salon Success? This lesson is another great accompaniment to todays video.
PS Have you found us on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok yet?
Task for Today
Share your idea for a value-added offer with the group. Engage with other participants by providing feedback and discussing ideas. This will help you refine ALL of your offers so that they’re as effective as possible, and we ALL win.
Audio Transcript
Welcome to Day 4 of Monaco Nail Academy’s 5-Day Client Magnet!
We know who your ideal client is, where to find them, how to get them to notice us, and now we’re going to seal the deal by getting them to commit to booking in. We’re taking them from “That’s a cute idea” to “I can’t live without my monthly appointment.”
And, of course, since I’ve been going on about it so much, you know the goal is to do this without discounting. Why is this so important? Because you’re not a discount brand! Unless you are. But I’m going to go ahead and guess you’re not.
Discounting completely destroys the perceived value of your brand—it tells people that you’re not worth full price, that you’re desperate for clients, and ultimately, that you’re not very good. What do you assume is going to last longer, a $20 pair of running shoes or a $200 pair of running shoes? And it’s not about the truth here, guys—you can find a great bargain that lasts forever, and you can find a rip-off that hurts your feet and ends up in the bin. But it’s about your assumptions—if you were going to bet $100 of your own money, chances are you’d bet on the more expensive pair being of higher quality.
The other thing is—if you sell $20 shoes, you need to sell 50 pairs to make $1,000. If you sell $200 shoes, you only need to sell 5 pairs to make $1,000, and then you’re off home early to put your feet up. We know by now that it’s all about the avatar, and we’re all smart enough to know that the person buying $20 running shoes and the person buying $200 running shoes are not the same person. Neither of them is in the wrong; they’re just different. But are you wanting to stand there until you’ve sold 50 pairs? Or would you spend your time targeting the $200 people so you can catch your kid’s soccer game?
Now, you might get a bit grumbly when I explain what we’re going to do instead because, in SOME cases, you could argue that I’m still suggesting you change your prices on a temporary basis—AKA discounting. However, what we will not be doing in any circumstances is destroying the value of your brand.
We are going to be ADDING value.
Let’s start by understanding why value-added offers work so well. It’s all about the psychological aspect of perception. When clients feel like they’re receiving something extra or special, they’re more likely to feel a sense of exclusivity and appreciation. This doesn’t just make them feel good about their decision; it also strengthens their loyalty and enhances their overall experience.
So if we have found our perfect client, and we’ve collaborated with venues that they frequent so that now THEY know who WE are, we’re now going to completely blow them out of the water and make them think we’re the best thing since sliced bread.
First, if your Day 3 plans didn’t include an event, you can absolutely stick with your collaboration partner and monetise an event. Natasha’s pole studio might have a launch night for a new programme, a celebration for a competition, a Christmas party, a winter gathering, or any number of themes where their ticket price includes a free manicure. My only “but” here, though, is that I don’t personally think it counts unless the client walks through YOUR door. Anyway, they can go to a fun event for the vibe, because their friends are going, or because there are free nibbles. That doesn’t mean they will rebook; it means you were a fun inclusion in an already fun evening. Still DO the event—just consider it to be part of Day 3, and keep working to get that individual, in-the-salon booking.
So let’s brainstorm some other ideas:
- What do they need that no one else does? A space for their kids? A silent appointment? You know them better than anyone.
- What if you host themed appointment days (e.g., “Self-Care Sundays” or “Fresh Start Fridays”) where clients experience a unique ambience and special touches?
- What if you offer new clients the chance to try a new service or product before it’s officially launched in your salon, giving them a VIP experience?
- What if you offer an experience upgrade for new clients, such as a longer massage during their manicure or a relaxing hand treatment?
- What if you offer to teach them something? Does your corner of the beauty world lend itself to classes? Can you do a workshop on natural-looking curls using a straightener? Makeup techniques? How can you give them something they will pay for, which in turn allows them to see what you’re capable of and tell their friends?
- What if you offer a VIP package? Yep, the anti-discount—charge MORE! A combo of services, drinks, snacks, and a goody bag to take home. Make those clients feel bougie AF and get them in the door for a long-needed treat.
- What if you do the opposite? If your corner of the beauty industry lends itself to this, create a smaller, affordable package designed specifically for new clients to try multiple services in one visit?
- What about a raffle? Every booking at your Stage 3 events gets put in the draw for something.
- What if a percentage of all takings made on a particular weekend goes to a local family in need?
Ok, what about sliding into near-discount territory but without devaluing—
- What if, when someone books in with two friends, all three clients get a half-price re-do within 3 weeks? Yes, there’s a discount involved, but they all had to be prepared to pay full price to get their foot in the door, you’re getting three of them at once, and you’re getting them to return.
- What if they book within 3 weeks of your Stage 3 event and they get a free mini pedicure? Or a free brow tint while their foot mask sits? Yes, a discount of sorts because you’re not getting paid for the freebie, but THEY don’t see it that way. There’s a time limit; they have to book now or they don’t get the freebie, and they have to be prepared to pay full price for the thing they ACTUALLY want.
- What if, when they buy a Concession Card for 5 full-price manicures, they get a half-price pedicure? And everything is paid up front, so you’re getting 4 months of guaranteed repeat business, and you KNOW they have money because they paid up front.
- What if you give a $50 gift to anyone who books a 3-service combo (e.g., Mani, Pedi, Lashes)? Using your wholesale accounts, that $50 RRP only costs you $25, and if you’re making $150–200, that’s nothing. As far as the client is concerned, they paid full price. As far as you’re concerned, you got someone to trial 3 different services of yours, pay you a bunch of money, and it only cost you the equivalent of a 15% discount.
And last, what if we just go bananas and not just think outside the box but leave the box entirely?
We’re all familiar with the concept of a pub crawl—you and your friends visit multiple pubs in a single evening, typically walking from one to the next and generally having a drink at each spot before moving on to the next.
So what if you organise a Ladies Night Loop? Different spots around town could offer a mini manicure, an express brow tidy, a glass of wine, a mini dessert, a charcuterie jar, and you could even involve clothing stores offering lucky dips of cheaper accessories. You charge a ticket price that ensures everyone’s costs are covered and give registered participants a stamp card that they get signed off at each venue. Give them until a certain time to complete it, or make it a weekend wander so they can go at a more leisurely pace.
Alrighty, I’m sure you can guess your task for today—share your idea with the group and forget worrying about people copying you—who cares if they do?! Unless they’re your next-door neighbour, us collaborating and inspiring each other means nothing—it doesn’t take away from what you achieve yourself. And also, instead of worrying about what you might lose—what if you consider what you might GAIN?! An open #competitionfreezone means, yeah, you share your 2 or 3 ideas, but you also might get inspired by many more.
With that in mind, we absolutely encourage you to engage with other participants by providing feedback and discussing ideas. This will help you refine ALL of your offers so that they’re as effective as possible, and we ALL win.
Thank you for joining me today. I’m excited to see your creative value-driven offers! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s lesson, where we’ll explore how to boost client retention during slow periods, AND I’ll tell you all about our 8-week Salon Success Accelerator programme. If you’re serious about taking your business to the next level, I encourage you to keep this momentum going and consider joining us for a deeper dive into marketing, client attraction, and business growth.
See you in the group chat!